Today was Emmalyn's 4 month doctor/vaccine visit. She did very well. She was smiling and talking to her doctor a lot! He told us there is obviously no concerns for her socially (hahaha)! She got her 2nd round of shots... she did well with the "drink virus" but the 4 shots in the thigh were a little less than welcomed! :( Daddy stood by her side but she still let out a big red faced cry! It's so hard to watch that. She is 12 lbs. 13 oz. and 24 1/2" long. Her head circumference was 16 1/4". Our pediatrician usually hasn't given us percitiles before but we asked this time. Her weight is in the 25%, her height is in the 47% and her head is in the 44%. She fell asleep on the car ride home and zonked out again in her crib a few hours later. Between our walk this morning and all her shots we figure she is probably down for the count!!!
So glad you made it through all those boo-boos, Emmalyn. It looks like you are losing some of that wild hair! Can't wait to see you.
Way to go champ! (That's you Heidi, not Em) Those shots are no fun! We can't wait to see you guys tomorrow.
Em that is some crazy hair! Boo for shots!
so sad for the shots... but she sure is a cutie! Love her smiles!
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