Thursday, January 5, 2012

growing bigger

Here are a few new pics of Evie (Em too.)

She is starting to sleep a little longer at night. Surprising us a couple nights with a 5 hour stretch! She is getting into a sort of schedule during the day. Waking around 8am, taking a 45 minute nap around 10am and going down for a 2-3 hour nap around 2pm. She wakes for dinner and is usually up fussing until bed. She refuses to go to bed anytime before 9:30. Her evening fussy time is starting to decrease somewhat. She will actually play on her playmat and coo for a short while and is actually tolerating her swing. I say tolerating because she usually only lasts about 10 minutes before crying uncontrollably! Yes, indeed we have another fussy baby on our hands. So much for your kids being the complete opposite! She gets better and seems to understand a little more every day and is now smiling at us and has rolled over from back to belly twice on her playmat! Nate and I are convinced she is so mad all the time because her brain is ahead of her body! She is always trying to get somewhere and hits Nate and I in the chest when she is mad! Whew... I sure am thankful for those naps!!

1 comment:

J, H, A, M and O said...

The pics of the girls are adorable. I love Em's "sunny day" parade.