How sad is that little face? If you look closely you can see a tear running down her cheek! Aw, it would like to of killed me! The 12 month (a tad behind) doctor visit was today! I braved it and went alone. NEVER again! O my! As most of you know you have to wait forever to see Pediatricians (no offense to an unnamed relative). Well, Em had to get 7 shots today! 7! It was not pretty folks! Especially since they had to test for lead poisoning (due to an old home) first, followed by shots after. We had already been there for 45 minutes when Em finally received her first round of torture. The toe pricks didn't seem to bother her but the band aid on the toe did! Go figure. She cried and screamed bloody murder and to add to it the nurse took another 20 minutes to come back with the rest of the shots! I could do nothing to console or distract her. I truly wanted to step out in the hallway and ask if there was ANYONE available RIGHT NOW to give Em the rest of her shots! She had been uncontrollably screaming since the nurse walked out. Finally, the nurse came back and I tell you I have now seen what real crying looks like! After the first shot in the leg Em was red in the face and was so worked up she couldn't breath! This gives me anxiety just recalling it! I told the nurse to hurry and get it done!! She got 2 more shots in the opposite leg and by then Em was soaked in her tears and gasping for air. We sat her up and she began to dry heave! Most of you know Em vomits quit a bit...well, it's a good thing she didn't eat or drink much because if she had we all would have been covered in puke!! You can imagine my concern for my poor baby! After several more dry heaves and realizing nothing was coming out, I looked over at the nurse who was in shock and said "you ready?" I think she didn't know what to think of all of this drama! Poor lady! First shot in the arm...more dry heaving. Second arm shot... gasping, coughing, gagging, and more dry heaving! "Lord help this child gain some composure for my sake and the poor nurses sake" I thought!
I've never seen a person move so fast to leave a room than that nurse did today! I was crying and laughing at the same time on the inside. Em proceeded to cry and choke all the way to the car. After realizing she wasn't calming down I fell apart myself. Imagine it, both of us crying all the way home! Pathetic is all that comes to mind now! She finally cried herself to sleep as we pulled onto our street!
What a day we had and it was only 11:30 am!
awww poor baby. =(
This makes me want to cry just reading it. I feel bad for both of you. Em is gonna be one tough kid!
I definitely teared up reading this. Hopefully the rest of your day went more smoothly!
Yikes! What a day. Ours is coming soon and for me it is two kids at once.
Poor Em, but I actually felt worse for you Heidi as I read this. I just pictured you crying. Oh the drama of motherhood.
You might suggest next time they have to give that many shots to have two people do it at the same time. It is over faster. That is what they do at our immunization clinic.
Her little face broke my heart. Poor baby. Auntie Hayley wishes she had a magic wand:( This part of motherhood is extremely difficult. Thank goodness it doesn't happen often.
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