14 months + Emmalyn = ROTTEN!!!
Yes indeed, we have our hands full! Emmalyn is becoming extremely independent and ornery! "No" to Emmalyn means keep doing it and laugh hysterically while your doing it! Pulling the cats tail, getting into cabinets, pulling on curtains, playing with dirty diapers, throwing more food than she puts in her mouth, trying to jump off the bed, crawling up the stairs when we aren't looking, and so much more!!! This child is on the go all day long! She is teething so she doesn't seem to want to eat much. Most of her food is still pureed. Her nap is usually about 2-3 hours long... our only saving grace! ha ha!! She is still sleeping through the night about 12 hours (from 8-8 typically.) She is getting very long legs but is still very tiny? Her 12 month clothes are still a little big! She was almost 18 lbs last week when we weighed her. It'll be interesting to see her percentages when we go to the doctor at the end of the month(a little late on her one year appt.)
All in all her sweetness out ways her rottenness (most days.) She loves to give kisses to nearly everyone, including the cashiers at the grocery store! She loves to snuggle with her stuffed animals and her blanket, that she calls "Co Co" (short for cozy cozy.) Her vocabulary and signs are expanding. We have mastered the "more" sign but are still working on "all done" and "thank you." She jabbers all day long! She seems to know what she is saying but we sure can't understand a thing. She particularly likes to talk to herself in front of a mirror!She loves to brush her teeth,especially with Mommy and Daddy's tooth brush! Gross, I know! She is also extremely interested in putting things together. The other day we gave her one of her bottles to put together and she played all day with it!
She is keeping us on our toes but we love every crazy minute of it!
hee hee =) Happy 14 months... sounds like Em is keeping you busy! =)
I loved reading this! No question, she's her own little person...crazy how fast that happens. Love you Em!
You gotta love the "wild child" !
Oh Em...you silly girl. We miss you.
Too cute!! She looks like a Knisley baby :)
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