Emmalyn has quickly become or maybe looking back always has been a girl who knows what she wants! We have been struggling with her at meal time, throwing food across the room and laughing at the word NO! Sadly, we have had to start smacking her little hands when she does things she knows she isn't suppose to. Typically one would think this would work after the first few smacks. Not with this child! She doesn't seem to be fazed at all! I truly believe the quote "it hurts you more than it hurts them!"
Emmalyn indeed is a strong willed child and not only do we know it but her doctor picked up on it as well! He advised us to start doing 1 minute baby time outs every time she doesn't respond to "no!" 1 minute being 1 minute per age.
We set up her pack and play with no toys or books in it for her "time out box." The other day when we set it up she was more than thrilled with trying to get in it and play! I said to Nate.."you sure this is the best solution?" We decided to try it out!
Firm discipline started yesterday morning and she has probably been in time out at least 10 times already!!!! Laughing, jumping and playing while she is supposed to be feeling punished!
I know you all are probably laughing hysterically, (especially you mom) and it is hard not to laugh at her but if anyone out there has some words of advice, we would greatly appreciate it!