Today was Emmalyn's 6 month check up. She also got her shots today too! I had to go alone today and I was not looking forward to holding her down while she got those horrible shots!!! She did o.k. until the doctor came in. We had a new doctor today because I wasn't too thrilled with our original. This man was slightly older and very friendly but Emmalyn did not like him at all! She cried at the sight of him! In his defense she was a little tired. She weighed in at 14.8 lbs. (in the tiny 15 percentile), measured a long 27 inches (the 85 percentile), and head circumference of 17 inches (65 percentile.) Both the nurse and doctors first comments were "my goodness she is long!" I never really noticed but apparently she is! We all know she didn't get it from me! I guess that's just one more thing to add the the "Nathan list" This child is all her Daddy! After some major crocodile tears she settled down and fell asleep in the car on the way home sucking her thumb. (that she does get from me!) All in all not a bad trip, especially knowing we don't have any more shots for six more months! YEAH!
Glad the shots are over! Her hair looks tame in the picture - such a peaceful face.
Did you cut her hair? It looks so sleek.
Good job Em. I cry when I see pediatricians too. hee.
What a big girl! It's so nice you finally have a break from those mean shots.
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