Thursday, October 29, 2009

This one's for you DAD!

The beautiful tree that caused all the leaves to blow into our yard! The colors in our neighborhood are so magnificent!
cleaning the gutters out for winter

I personally love the leaves in the yard but Nate does not so he blew off the driveway and yard!

Nate had some fun today doing what dad does best... using a leaf blower! I see what they mean when they say girls marry men most like their fathers. I never thought that was true until we bought this house, now I know it's true!!!


J, H, A, M and O said...

Nate is at it again I see. And I notice he is wearing his Dickies too. Where did her get that extension to clean the gutters? Who would think of needing that anyway?

Pa & T said...

Dad wants to know where he got the gutter attachment. thanks a lot Nate. He will have to have one now! Glad to see you have all the right toys, I mean tools.