Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day

Nate enjoyed his first Father's Day yesterday. We went down to Pa and T's Saturday night after a huge meal of Nate's favorites I prepared at our home. He opened his gifts before we left. A car buffer (that he was just dying to have), a tool organizer and a DVD that he and Emmalyn could watch together (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.) Nate always says he hopes Emmalyn will like that movie so that's what Emmalyn picked out for him! We had a fun day of swimming and eating (and a nap for Nate and Em too!) It is so special to see the bond between the two of them!


J, H, A, M and O said...

I see that the Backyardigans guitar at Pa and T's lives on. Hope you had a very special "first" Father's Day Nate.

hayleyash said...

Hope you had a great 1st Father's Day, Nate! It's something special to watch you with Em, you are a great Daddy.